Measure all your wait times by Any Field Report

Today we are introducing a super cool and super advanced feature for the Jira Cloud version of Time in Status.

Duration-wise, up until this point Time in Status provided you reports that showed how much time each issue spent on each status, each assignee or each group. That means if you want to get a duration report about something, it probably needed to be represented in your workflow with a status.

That is no more … Enter Any Field Report.

Any Field Report can do for any issue field, what Status Duration Report does for Status field or Assignee Duration Report does for Assignee field. It can show you how long any field held any value.

This capability opens a great number of doors. Without having to define statuses in your workflow, you can …

… , just to name a few.

Wait, that is not all.

Any Field Report can also do multiple level reports. That means you can get durations, not only for the values of a single field but can get them for the combinations of values for multiple fields.

For example: If you are moving your issues from epic to epic (or version to version or sprint to sprint) you can see how long your issues stayed in each status under each Epic (or Version or Sprint).

Any Field Report supports up to 5 fields to be used for this purpose and that my friends … is a lot of combinations !!!

Single/multi select, single/multi user picker, text and long text fields are supported. Epic Link, Affected/Fix Version, Sprint, Project, IssueType, Status, Assignee and many other fields are also supported.

Date, datetime, number and a few other field types are excluded since they do not make sense for this report type.

You can find information about Any Field Report in the documentation page here.

Also below you can find a few use case articles that also include step by step implementations for each.

Of course all of this data is subject to aggregation by average or sum reports, not top mention getting them as file exports or REST API.

As always, you can find Time in Status in its Atlassian Marketplace page and reach us through if you have any questions.