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Introducing the Long-Awaited Drill-Down Functionality for Time in Status on Jira Cloud

Time in Status allowed users to get aggregate reports (like average, sum, median, and standard deviation). In these reports, each row represented a group of issues and showed the aggregated values for that group of issues. It was a common request to drill-down on each row and see the the details of issues that made up that aggregated row.

With this week’s release of Time in Status by OBSS, it is now possible to drill down on aggregated reports. Each report row displays a drill-down button. When clicked, this button will open a popup dialog that displays the details of those issues.

It is also possible to filter or sort the drill-down data.

You can find the details about this feature on its documentation page.

If you have further questions, you can reach the OBSS support team through or by sending an e-mail to