The new up date to Timepiece REST API introduces Admin Access to Timepiece Parameter Sets for better management of parameter sets.
Why the Update?
Timepiece is already giving users the flexibility to save and reuse their report configurations as “Parameter Sets.” These parameter sets can be saved for personal use or shared with others, making it easier to maintain consistency in reporting among the team.
Admins often need visibility into these parameter sets for various purposes, such as troubleshooting, auditing, or managing shared configurations. Previously, accessing and managing parameter sets across the system was limited, particularly for private configurations owned by individual users. This created challenges for administrators needing a comprehensive overview of all parameter sets in the system.
What’s New?
To address this, we rolled out an improvement to the Timepiece REST API. With the improved REST API endpoints, Jira users with the “Administer Jira” permission can:
- Retrieve a complete list of all parameter sets in the system—both public and private.
- View the configuration details of any parameter set, even if it belongs to another user and is private.
How do I use them?
Just like any other Timepeice REST API endpoint, use this and this endpoints to gather information about Timepiece parameter sets on your Jira Cloud.
This is a relatively small update that will help you admins to better manage Timepiece parameter sets on their Jira Cloud system. Try them out today, and let us know what you think!
You can learn more about Timepiece – formerly Time in Status for Jira, by visiting its product website or Atlassian Marketplace page.
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