Until todays release, Jira Cloud edition of Time in Status by OBSS had a REST API that only allowed the user to get the file exports via REST.

Due to the potential large size of an export file, it was working asynchronously, which means you had to make multiple REST calls to get a single file. It was getting the job done but was hard to use.

Today we released synchronious REST API endpoints. These new REST endpoints allow the user to get Time in Status data with a single REST call:

  • Can return data as JSON or CSV.
  • Has two endpoints for single issue reporting and list reporting.
  • List endpoint supports paging with a maximum page size of 100.

Of course the async file export endpoint is still available for those who want to get all data in a single file. We moved its endpoint to another address but will support the old address for a little more time.

The details can be found in the updated documentation page here

As always, feel free to reach us through plugin@obss.com.tr or pluginsupport.obss.com.tr if you have any questions.