Cloud is here

Long time requested Time in Status for Jira Cloud by OBSS is finally available on Atlassian Marketplace today. 

Time in Status for Jira Server was on Atlassian Marketplace for years and Data Center compatible version was introduced in the last year. Thanks to high customer demand we are now introducing Time in Status for Jira Cloud.

A quick reminder...

For those who don't know yet, let me introduce you to Time in Status. 

Time in Status is a Jira app that helps you identify bottlenecks in your process. It produces reports on how much time each Jira issue spent on each status (not only status but more on that later). 

Duration Reports

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As you can see the report shows Jira issues as rows, status names as columns and the duration each issue spent in that status as values. This report type is mainly used to identify bottlenecks in your process, no matter what kind of process you are running on the issue. For example you can see how much time your issues spent waiting for customer, waiting for waiting for approval, development, test, etc.

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The app also contains a report type for Assignee Duration, which shows assignee names as columns so you can see how much time each issue spent on each assignee. This report type is also used to identify bottlenecks, but not from a workflow perspective but from a resource perspective. You can see which users can't keep up with their Jira issues and cause delays. 

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Another report type closely related to Assignee Duration is the Group Duration report type, which consolidates those assignees into user groups you pick. This way you can focus on not individual users but groups or users. For example you can see how much time your service desk requests spent time in Level 1 Support and Level 2 support. Or you can see how much time they spent on managers as a group.

Custom Calendars

Reports are prepared based on a 7/24 calendar by default, which measures the total time. Same for day/night, weekday/weekend. Additionally the app allows you to define your own custom business calendars with custom business days and business hours so you can report on how much time each issue spent on issue status/assignee based on a custom calendar. When using custom calendars, non-working days, holidays and non-working hours that you define are excluded in report hours. 

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The app can show you results on screen, page by page, but also allows you to export data as XLS, XLSX or CSV. File export also contain customizable average calculation grouped by issue fields you pick. This allows you to see the average values for each project, issuetype, project&issue, etc. Almost any issue system or custom field can be used.

Count Reports

Finally there are two more report types in Time in Status for Jira Cloud.

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Status Count reports show you how many times each status was used for each issue.

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Transition Count reports show you how many time each transition was used for each issue.

Both of these report types are particularly useful for measuring process performance. For example using these reports you can see how many times your service desk requests were sent back to users for additional info or how many times your bugs were reopened, etc.


You can evaluate Time in Status on your Jira cloud instance today or easily see the app in action by going to (This is a demo environment for the server version of the app which is very similar to the cloud version).

For any questions you might have about Time in Status, you can reach us through or by sending an e-mail to .