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 Auto Plan Time for TEMPO

Table of Contents


Auto Plan Time for TEMPO provides two way sync of plan information between JIRA issues and TEMPO calendars (TEMPO Timesheets or TEMPO Planner calendars).

It either automatically creates/updates allocations in your TEMPO calendar based on information on issues or it updates fields on your JIRA issues based on information on allocations in your TEMPO calendar.

The plug-in listens to update events on JIRA issues or TEMPO calendars.


Auto Plan Time for TEMPO is a JIRA plug in that works with Tempo Timesheets or TEMPO Planner.

Tempo Timesheets or Planner MUST BE INSTALLED in JIRA and also it must be enabled BEFORE Auto Plan Time for TEMPO. 

The plugin reqires JIRA 7.1+ with TEMPO Timesheets 8.12+ or TEMPO Planner 5.0+ installed.


JIRA provides no way to set to loading order of plugins during startup so if you get errors about during JIRA startup or Auto Plan Time is not enabled after JIRA startup, you might need to enable Auto Plan Time manually.


TEMPO removed Plan Time capability from TEMPO Timesheets starting with TEMPO Timesheets 9.0. Above this version, Planning is done only via TEMPO Planner.

If you are using only TEMPO Timesheets 9.0+ and not using TEMPO Planner, you will not be able to see the plans created in TEMPO Calendars


To install Auto Plan Time for TEMPO, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators.
  2. Select Add-ons from the Administration menu at the top right of your screen. 


You can install the Add-On in two ways : Install the Add-On from Marketplace OR Upload an Add-On.


Upload an Add-On:

  1. Click the Manage Add-ons link.
  2. Click the Upload Add-on link at the top right side of the page.  
    The 'Upload Add-on' dialog appears.



Install the Add-On from Marketplace:


  1. Click the Find New Add-ons link.
  2. Enter a search string in the Search the Marketplace box.
  3. To install an add-on, click the Install button for free add-ons or the Buy Now or Free Trial buttons for paid add-ons. 



Go to JIRA Admin -> Add-ons -> Auto Plan Time for TEMPO section. Set the following configuration items to configure Auto Plan for TEMPO.

Sync Direction

Defines the direction of the sync. 

You can choose to sync "From Jira to TEMPO" which creates/updates TEMPO calendar allocation entries based on updates of JIRA issue fields. When this option is selected, the plugin will not respond to changes on TEMPO plan allocations.

You can choose to sync "From TEMPO to Jira" which updates JIRA issue fields based on allocations created/updated in TEMPO calendar. When this option is selected, the plugin will not respond to changed on JIRA issue fields.

You can choose to sync "Bidirectonally" which updates both JIRA issue fields and TEMPO allocations based on updates in the other.

Issue Types

Choose issue types for which autoplanning will take place. Other issue types will simply be ignored by the plugin.

You can either select individual issue types or check "Work for all IssueTypes" checkbox which will cause autoplanning to work for all issuetypes on your JIRA system.

Additional JQL filter

Sometimes selecting issue types might not be enough to filter issues. In this case you can define an additional JQL filter to further filter target issues.

Only issues that match the given JQL filter will be used in sync. Any valid JQL can be used.

Please make sure to enter a valid JQL since an invalid JQL will effectively cause all issues to be excluded.

Plan User

Choose the field that will hold the name of the user which the plan time entry will be created for. It can be Assignee, Reporter or another user picker custom field.

Start Date

Choose the field that contains the start date of allocation. You can select the system field "Due Date" or any custom field of type Date or DateTime.

End Date

Choose the field that contains the end date of allocation. You can select the system field "Due Date" or any custom field of type Date or DateTime.

Estimated Effort

Choose the field that contains the total effor estimation for the allocation. You can select the system fields "Original Estimate" and "Remaining Estimate" or any numeric custom field.

While creating/updating an allocation based on JIRA issue field data, the total estimation given in this field will be divided to all days between given start and end dates. Likewise when updating JIRA issue fields based on allocation data, this field will show the total effort estimation value of the allocation.

Estimation Multiplier

This option is available only when a numeric custom field is selected for Estimated Effort and gives you the option to give your estimations in units other than hours.

The default value for Estimation Multiplier is "1" and the value in Estimated Effor Field is taken as hours. You can change the multiplier if you want to enter values in different units. For example "8" for days (when "1" is entered as a value for Estimated Effort, it will be multiplied with 8 and will be processed as 1 day) or "0.01667" for minutes (when "7200" is entered as a value for Estimated Effort, it will be multiplied by "0.01667" and will be processed as 2 hours.)

Sync from TEMPO to JIRA

This section is available only when sync direction is "Tempo to JIRA" or "Bidirectional"

When sync from TEMPO calendar to JIRA issues is enabled you might not always want to update all plan fields on JIRA issues. This section gives you the option to select which fields on a JIRA issue to update when a TEMPO calendar allocation is created/updated.

Dispatch Event

Here you can select whether or not to fire a regular JIRA issue updated event when issue fields are updated by APT.

If disabled, JIRA won't respond to issue updates so no notification e-mails will be sent and any other plugins that listen to update events wil not be triggered

Auto Plan Time for TEMPO in Action

(If configured) Auto Plan Time for TEMPO will respond to any event on a JIRA issue. When a new issue is created that has data in fields selected for Assignee, Start Date, End Date and Estimation fields, a corresponding allocation will immediately be created in TEMPO Timesheets or Planner calendar. Any updates on these JIRA fields, either through the issue edit screen or a transition, will immediately be reflected on the allocation.

(If configured) Auto Plan Time for TEMPO will respond to all changes on TEMPO calendar allocations. When a new allocation is created for an issue or and existing allocation is updated, either through TEMPO Timesheets or TEMPO Planner, the fields selected for Assignee, Start Date, End Date and Esimation will immediately be updated on the JIRA issue.